Hi! I'm Crates, and I can help lead your software development team to achieve excellence in its agile goals.
My background is in full-stack application architecture and development. I specialize in modern front-end technologies: Angular, React, Node.js and ES6+. I've completed hundreds of consulting contracts over the last 20+ years! These include both mission-critical roles, and also, long-standing contributions during my full-time positions at major world brands.
I excel at building and leading outstanding teams of full-stack agile developers with high metrics for success. I've been trained by the best: from DeQue on accessibility, from J. J. Sutherland on agile and Scrum, and Jeremy Schoemaker ("ShoeMoney") on SEO.
You need an exceptional leader to bring your agile shop to the next level. Wherever they are in their career when they meet me, teams grow under my guidance. Please take a moment to read some of my many recommendations. They come from managers, Scrum Masters, peers and direct reports everywhere I've served.
I've always balanced my time between hands-on coding and team guidance. I'm often writing proof-of-concept code and style guides to help the team grow. This means that I'm exceptionally well-apprised of modern technologies. I'm awesome with Meteor, React and Angular, and anything using JS, CSS and HTML.
Let's connect. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your business and its goals!
High-worth asset portfolio management software written in React 16 (ES6+). Very agile environment, strict BDD-first pattern, pair programming full-time.
Architected Angular 2 solution for managing the firm's commercial real estate portfolio. Morgan Stanley, 6th-largest US real estate lender, has $1.3 trillion AUM.
Engineered consumer engagement platform in ES6 and C# with SiteCore CMS. Web & app experience yields more repeat business and customer satisfaction.
Led the front-end engineering team for 4 years, redesigning every client-facing tool Gartner offers. Gartner's clients include senior leadership at 80% of Fortune 500 companies.
Rich-content interactive media apps delivered on desktop and mobile via PhoneGap (now Cordova). McKinsey is the world's leading supply chain and BI consultant firm.